A Lasting Spiritual Legacy for
Your Community and Future Generations
Imagine your synagogue as a center of inspiration and spiritual growth—a place where the timeless teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov uplift congregants, rabbis, and scholars alike. You can make this vision a reality by donating the Complete Breslov Research Institute Collection to your synagogue’s library.
At the heart of this transformative collection is the renowned 15-Volume Likutey Moharan, Rebbe Nachman’s magnum opus—one of the deepest and most profound works in Jewish thought. This collection provides a spiritual foundation that will enrich your entire community.
Likutey Halachos
Volume 2
Pathways of Joy, Faith
and Prayer Collection

This collection emphasizes books on prayer,
personal growth, and foundational Breslov texts
- Likutey Moharan Set: Volumes 1-15
- Kitzur Likutey Moharan - 2 Volume set
- The 50th Gate – Likutey Tefilot – 4 Vol. Set
- The Legacy
- A Century of Growth
- Rebbe Nachman’s Torah – 3 Volume Set
- Rebbe Nachman’s Tikkun (Hardcover)
- The Aleph-Bet Book, New Edition
- I Will Sing! – Azamra!, Where? – Ayeh?
- Crossing the Narrow Bridge
- Rebbe Nachman and You
- More Blessed to Give

The Ultimate Spiritual Gift—In Memory of a Loved One
By donating, you provide tools to transform prayer, foster spiritual growth, and enhance Torah study, while honoring a loved one with eternal merit and a lasting legacy.